7 days ago
7 days ago
Air Date - 08 January 2025
Many think that only vulnerable, needy people get sucked into cults, and it happens unknowingly or against their will. There are even some who choose life in a cult, thinking it’s a positive, empowering choice even if they witness what’s really going on. It’s difficult to imagine why someone would want their life to be controlled by a narcissist. Why would they still choose to stay? What tactics convince them to stay? And, are there spiritual lessons to be gained from their experience?
My co-host, Azyzza Prieste, was brought into a cult as a small child, and even then, she clearly saw what was happening. When she was finally able to disconnect, she began doing extensive research on cults, concluding that our culture is actually “cult-ish.” It became her mission to help others see the truth and find the strength to leave.
Reach Royce at Royce@RoyceMorales.com
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